

He insinuates
With his smile
His suggestion permeates
My denial
Primitive affinity
Nuclear attraction
Me, myself and I...the trinity
Fleeting satisfaction
My idea pleases
He unzips my skin
His whisper teases
I let him in


Anonymous said...

As Jay-Z would say...

If my hands in the cookie jar, know one thing, I'ma take the cookie, not leave my ring!

good advice for those that are tempted beyond their limits.

Saadia said...

Thanks, Anon.

As you might have noticed, this poem is titled 'Innuendo.' I think of an innuendo as something that is suggested or insinuated--not acted upon.

I like to think my rhymes have an element of mystery that leave the reader wondering...

Dawnya said...

You always leave us wondering...it's all about the girly_girl mystery.